
Nonviral cryoglobulinemic vasculitis: an updated review for clinical practice

Figure 1. Pathologic features of kidney involvement in cryoglobulinemic vasculitis. (A) Cryoglobulin-related glomerulonephritis with a membranoproliferative pattern of injury showing multiple hyaline thrombi (black arrow) (light microscopy, periodic-acid-Schiff stain). (B) Cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis with multiple hyaline thrombi staining positive for C3 (white arrow). The glomerulus also has capillary wall and mesangial granular staining (immunofluorescence microscopy, FITC anti-C3). (C) Electron microscopy demonstrating short 35 nm microtubules (white arrows) in parallel arrays within the immune deposits in the glomerulus. (D) Arteritis in a small interlobular artery with intraluminal hyaline material, endothelial swelling, and transmural and perivascular inflammation (light microscopy, periodic-acid-Schiff stain). Images courtesy of Dr. J Charles Jennette, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA.

Vessel Plus
ISSN 2574-1209 (Online)
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