From: What to do with patients with active infective endocarditis complicated by intracranial bleeding

Figure 6. Methods of cardiopulmonary bypass using nafamostat mesylate (NM-CPB). Shown in the image is the pump circuit of NM-CPB. Nafamostat mesylate was infused continuously to the cardiotomy reservoir and venous reservoir at 0.8 mg/kg/h and 1.0 mg/kg/h, respectively. The rate of injection was changed according to the activated clotting time (ACT). Heparin: 50 IU/kg (25% of normal), ACT: 350-450 q 15 min, Mild hypothermia: (33 °C), Pump flow: 2.4-2.6 L/m2/min, Systemic pressure: 50 mmHg.