Figure 44. Selected video frames from a two-dimensional echocardiographic study in a neonate with hypoplastic left heart syndrome demonstrating: (A) a very small left ventricle (LV), severely stenotic aortic valve (AV) and a small aorta (Ao). Note the large right ventricle (RV). (B) short-axis view demonstrating a small Ao, large right atrium (RA), RV and pulmonary artery (PA). (C) Subcostal view showing a large RA, small left atrium (LA) and a small LV. The atrial defect (ASD) is shown with an arrowhead. (D) Another subcostal view, again demonstrated large RA, small LA, small LV and a large RV (not labeled), and an ASD (Arrowhead). Reproduced from Ref.[21].