
Echocardiography: an overview - Part II

Figure 2. Echo-Doppler studies of a patient with severe aortic stenosis illustrating an aortic valve (AV) which is thick and domed (A). Color flow imaging demonstrates turbulent flow with a narrow jet (NJ) at the AV (arrow) (B). The Doppler velocity via the AV is high (> 6 m/s) (C), suggesting very severe aortic stenosis; the calculated peak instantaneous gradient is 148 mmHg with a mean of 75 mmHg. The patient has a bicuspid AV which is not demonstrated in these echo frames. Ascending aorta (Ao), left atrium (LA), and left ventricle (LV) are marked. Reproduced from Ref.[4].

Vessel Plus
ISSN 2574-1209 (Online)
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