
Figure 2. Hemodynamics-Comparison CHF rats treated with hiPSC-CM patch; Data are mean ± SE @ 6 weeks after implantation or sham thoracotomy where *denotes significance (P < 0.05) vs. CHF, **denotes significance (P < 0.05) vs Sham. Sham, N = 12; CHF, N = 8-21, hiPSC-CM, N = 20-24 per group. CHF: Chronic heart Failure; hiPSC-CM: human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes; LV Sys P: systolic pressure; LV EDP: end diastolic pressure; Tau: time constant of relaxation constant; LV dP/dt: change in LV pressure over change in time; PDP: peaked-developed pressure[16]; LV: left ventricular.