
Oxidative stress and inflammation in the development of cardiovascular disease and contrast induced nephropathy

Figure 1. Contrast induced nephropathy and cardiovascular disorders pathophysiology interaction. Mechanisms triggered by Contrast Media (represented in black) lead to CIN. Their interaction promotes mitochondrial dysfunction, excessive ROS, promotes cytotoxicity and apoptosis. CIN enhances CVD pathophysiology. CVD processes (represented in grey) show CIN/CVD potential interaction creating a feedback loop that will enhance heart and kidney malfunction. Outcome from CM induced processes are represented in blue. ⟂: repression/reduction; ↑: overproduction; ROS: reactive oxygen species; NO: nitric oxide; UFR: urine flow rate; IL: interleukin; CRP: C-reactive protein; CIN: contrast induced nephropathy

Vessel Plus
ISSN 2574-1209 (Online)
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