
Figure 1. Scheme of metabolic flux in platelets. The scheme describes the energy production in platelets, carried out by the extramitochondrial structures. Glucose is converted in pyruvate by the glycolysis pathway with the production of 2 molecules of ATP and NADH. Since, in our model, the proton gradient is formed at the center of the membrane, the NADH produced by glycolysis could transfer its electrons and protons directly to complex I, triggering the extramitochondrial respiration and the relative ATP synthesis on both sides of the membrane. Moreover, also the hypothetical extramitochondrial Krebs cycle could represent a source of reduced coenzymes for the ectopic respiration. CI: complex I; C II: complex II; C III: complex III; C IV: complex IV; e-: electron; H+: proton; a: a subunit of Fo moiety; OAA: oxalacetic acid; αKG: α-ketoglutarate