
Figure 4. T2 images in a rat with Caerulein induced AP. A: MIP images of 3D MRCP sequence for baseline scan and 3-h after AP induction. Pancreas is not visible during baseline scan, while edematous pancreatitis is clearly shown 3-h after the onset of AP; B: MRCP provides better contrast for hyper-intense edematous tissue compared to 3D SPACE image, while pancreatic glandular lobules appear hypo-intense; C: corresponding T2 relaxation map for edematous pancreatitis. MIP: maximum intensity projection; MRCP: magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography; AP: acute pancreatitis; C: colon; CBD: common bile duct; K: kidney; L: liver; P: pancreas; Si: small intestine; St: stomach; arrow head: duodenum