
Figure 10. Ex-vivo evidence of MRI-findings. A: Pancreatic tumor was dissected after CA4P treatment, the tumor was located in Evans blue infused pancreas, as shown on digital photo. Corresponding microangiography indicated abundant vasculature in pancreatic tumor. HE staining of the entire pancreatic tumor indicates the presence of hemorrhagic necrosis after CA4P treatment (scale bar 1 mm). Tumor invasion into pancreatic tissue can be observed from microscopy assessment (scale bar 100 µm); B: in case of acute pancreatitis, laparotomy reveals edematous pancreas infused with Evans blue adjacent to stomach and spleen. Digital photo shows the dissected edematous pancreas in connection with spleen dissected from surrounding tissue under the guidance of Evans blue infusion. HE stained sections shows severe edema (scale bar 1 mm). More detailed microscopy demonstrates intracellular vacuolization and inflammatory cell infiltration (scale bar 100 µm). MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; CA4P: combretastatin A4 phosphate; HE: hematoxylin-eosin; C: colon; L: liver; H: hemorrhage; N: necrosis; P: pancreas; Si: small intestine; Sp: spleen; St: stomach; T: tumor; arrow head: duodenum