
Figure 3. Membrane L-PRF 0 min after compression (hematoxylin-eosin staining). (A) III proximal 25× white blood cell-pattern fibrin; (B) medium-III 60× erythrocytes pattern fibrin; (C) III distal 60× pattern fibrin; (D) III proximal 25× erythrocytes-fibrin; (E) III proximal 60× fibrin on the right, the center lymphocytes, erythrocytes, and granulocytes neutrophils on the left; (F) average III 25× pattern of fibrin; (G) III distal 60× pattern fibrin; (H) smear of red clot 40× presence of monocyte in a carpet of red cells; (I) red clot smear 40× presence of red blood cells, monocytes and platelets; (J) red clot smear 100× presence of platelets in a carpet of red cells (coloration: may-grǔnwald-giemsa)