Figure 1. Trial sequential analyses on SSIs and OICs in trials with nutrition support when EIN versus SEN regimes. A diversity adjusted information size of 3,599 (A) and 6,102 (B) patients were calculated using α = 0.05 (two sided), β = 0.20 (power 80%), an anticipated relative risk reduction of 20% and an event proportion of 16.72% and 20.91% in the control arms in terms of SSIs and OICs respectively. TSA illustrated that the cumulative Z-curve did not cross the conventional and TSA monitory boundaries for benefit and that the required information size was not achieved, showing that EIN do cannot improve the clinical status of GC patients undergoing gastrectomy compared to SEN designs. SSIs: surgical site infections; OICs: other infectious complications; EIN: enteral immunonutrition; SEN: standard enteral nutrition; TSA: trial sequential analysis; GC: gastric cancer