
Figure 4. CD14 expression by microglia in ND and AD brain tissue sections. Immunohistochemical localization of CD14 protein using CD14 antibody (Clone 18D11, Biolegend # 812401). Sections from an ND AD case are shown: (A) Double-stained section showing strong CD14 immunoreactivity of blood monocyte (purple) but not IBA-1 positive microglia (brown). Purple represents reaction with nickel-enhanced diaminobenzidine substrate; (B, C) Double-staining (CD14 - purple - IBA-1- brown) of AD sections showing localization of CD14 and IBA-1; (B) Colocalization of CD14 and IBA-1 in microglia cells in AD case (blue arrows); (C) Strong CD14 staining of a perivascular microglia in AD section