
Figure 1. Preoperative radiological features of cerebral sparganosis. A: axial view of CT scanning showed irregular edema of the left parietal lobe; B: axial view of T1WI MRI showed a slight edema of the left parietal lobe; C: axial view of T2WI MRI; D: axial view of FLAIR MRI; E: sagittal view of enhanced T1WI MRI showing an irregular enhanced lesion of the let parietal lobe; F: axial view of enhanced T1WI MRS showed an increase of the Cho/NAA ratio; G: axial view of MR perfuison showed the lesion was hypometabolic; H: sagittal view of preoperative DTI. CT: computed tomography; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; NAA: N-acetyl-aspartate; T1WI: T1 weighted imaging; DTI: diffusion tensor imaging